Monday, March 9, 2009

Ramblings of a lost mind

Here is my blog and come to find out almost everyone I know has one already. Way to be late to the party. As for the 21st century learning class that I am taking, I am really enjoying learning all the fun things that I can bring into the classroom and use with my students. I was excited to use the Discovery streaming videos in my exploratory class. In this class we were reading a book on the Holocaust and doing digital presentations about the characters and hardships that they had faced. Knowing little about the Holocaust at the beginning, these students were able to watch video clips that provoked some deep discussion between themselves. I liked how I could download the clip to my computer and then play it without waiting for it to buffer itself. I was also really impressed with the selections they had and the way the video engaged the students with questions. I am also getting more familiar with Glogster and have decided to use it with my photo students to create interactive posters for the different types of photography. That's it for now class is about to begin!